
Interlinear Textus Receptus Bibles shown verse by verse.

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Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


1:1After the death of Saule, when Dauid was returned from the slaughter of the Amalekites, & had ben two dayes in Zikeleg:
1:2Beholde, there came a man the thyrde daye out of the hoste from Saul wyth his clothes rent & earth vpon hys head. And when he came to Dauid, he fell to the earthe, & dyd obeysaunce.
1:3To whome Dauid said whence comest thou? And the other aunswered hym: Out of the host of Israel am I escaped.
1:4And Dauid sayd to him agayne: How hath it chaunced? tell me. And he sayde: the people fleed from the battell: & many of the people are ouerthrowen & dead: and Saul and Ionathas his sonne are dead therto.
1:5And Dauid sayde vnto the young man that tolde hym: how knowest thou that Saul and Ionathas hys sonne be dead?
1:6and the younge man that tolde hym, sayde: I was by chaunce in mount Gelboe. And se, Saul leaned vpon hys speare, and the charettes and horsemen folowed him at the heles.
1:7And Saul loked back and called me. And I aunswered: here am I.
1:8And he sayde vnto me: what arte thou? and I sayde vnto hym: I am an Amalekite.
1:9And he sayde vnto me: come on me & slee me: For anguyshe is come vpon me, and my lyfe is yet all in me.
1:10And I went on hym & slue hym: for I was sure that he coulde not lyue, after that he was fallen. And I toke the croune that was vpon hys head and the Braselet that was on hys arme, and haue brought them vnto my Lorde hyther.
1:11Then Dauid toke hys clothes and rente them, and so dyd all the men that were wyth hym.
1:12And they mourned, wepte & fasted vntyll euen, for Saul and Ionathas hys sonne, & for the people of the Lorde, and for the house of Israel, because they were ouerthrowen with the swerde.
1:13Then sayde Dauid vnto the younge man that brought hym tydynges. Whence arte thou? And he sayde: I am the sonne of an alyaunt an Amalekyte.
1:14And Dauid sayde vnto hym: How is it that thou wast not afrayed to laye thyne hande on the Lordes annoynted, to destroy hym?
1:15And Dauid called one of his young men & sayde: Go to and runne vpon hym. And he smote hym that he dyed.
1:16Then sayde Dauid vnto hym: thy bloude vpon thyne owne head. For thyne own mouth hath testyfyed agaynste the sayinge: I haue slayne the Lordes anoynted.
1:17And Dauid sang thys song of mourning ouer Saule and ouer Ionathas hys sonne,
1:18& bad to teache the chyldren of Israel the staues thereof. And beholde it is wrytten in the boke of the ryghteous.
1:19The glorye of Israell is slayne vpon the hye hylles: Oh how were the myghtye ouerthrowen?
1:20Tell it not in Geth: nor publyshe it in the streates of Askalon: lest the doughters of the Philistines reioyse, and that the doughters of the vncircumcysed triumphe thereof.
1:21Ye mountaynes of Gelboe, vpon you be nether dewe nor raygne, nor feldes whence heaue offerynges come. For there the shyldes of the myghtye were cast from them: the shyld of Saul, as though he had not bene anoynted wyth oyle.
1:22The boowe of Ionathas and the swerde of Saule turned neuer backe agayne emptye, from the bloude of the wounded and from the fatte of the myghtye warryours.
1:23Saul and Ionathas louely and pleasaunte in theyr lyues, were in theyr deethes not deuyded, men swifter then Egles and stronger then Lyons.
1:24Ye doughters of Israel, wepe ouer Saule, whiche clothed you in purple and garmentes of pleasure, and bordered youre rayment wyth ornamentes of goulde.
1:25How were the myghtye slayne in battell? Ionathas on the hye hylles was wounded to death.
1:26Woo is me for the my brother Ionathas: delectable to me wast thou excedyng. Thy loue to me was wonderfull, passyng the loue of wemen.
1:27How were thy myghtye ouerthrowen, & how were the weapons of warre forloren.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.