
Interlinear Textus Receptus Bibles shown verse by verse.

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Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


28:1Wo be to the croune of pryde, to the droncken Ephraemytes, & to the faydynge floure, to the glorye of hys pompe, that is vpon the toppe of the plenteous valleye: whiche men be ouerladen with wine.
28:2Beholde, the strength and power of the Lord shall breake into the lande on euerye syde, like a tempest of hayle, that beareth doune strong holdes, and lyke an horryble, myghty & ouerflowynge water.
28:3And the proude croune of the droncken Ephraemytes, shalbe troden vnder fote.
28:4And as for the faydynge floure, the glory of hys pompe, whiche is vpon the toppe of the plenteous valleye: it shall happen vnto hym, as to an vntymelye frute before the harueste come. Which as soone as it is sene, is by and by deuoured, or euer it come well in a mans hande.
28:5And then shall the Lorde of Hostes be a ioyfull croune, and a gloryous garlande vnto the remnaunt of hys people.
28:6Vnto the lowly, he shalbe a sprete of iudgement, and vnto them that dryue away the enemyes from the gates he shalbe a spryte of strength.
28:7But they go wronge by the reason of wyne, they fall and stacker because of stronge drincke. Yea euen the Priestes and Prophetes them selues go amysse, they are droncken with wyne, & weake brayned thorowe stronge drincke. They erre in seynge, and in iudgemente they fayle.
28:8For all tables are so full of vomyte and fylthynes, that no place is cleane.
28:9What is he amonge them, that can teache, instructe or enfourme the chyldren, whiche are wened from sucke or taken from the brestes: of anye other fashyon then:
28:10Commaunde that maye be commaunded, byd that maye be bydden, forbidde that maye be forbidden, kepe backe that maye be kepte backe, here a lytle, there a lytle.
28:11And therfore the Lorde also shall speake wyth lispynge lippes and with a straunge language vnto this people to whome he spake afore of thys maner.
28:12This shall bringe reste, yf one refreshe the weerye, ye this shall bringe reste. But they had no will to heare.
28:13And therfore the Lorde shall aunswere theyr stubbournes (Commaunde that maye be commaunded, byd that may be bidden, forbid that may be forbidden, kepe backe that maye be kept backe, here a lytle, there a lytle) That they maye go forth fall back warde, be brosed, snared and taken.
28:14Wherfore heare the worde of the Lorde, ye mockers that rule the Lordes people, whiche is at Ierusalem.
28:15For ye comforte youre selues thus: Tushe, death & we are at a poynte, and as for hell, we haue made a condicyon with it, that thoughe there breake out anye sore plage it shall not come vpon vs. For wyth disceyte wyll we escape, and with nymblenes wil we defende oure selues.
28:16Therfore sayth the Lorde God: Beholde, I wyll laye a stone in Syon a great stone, a costly corner stone for a sure foundacyon: that who so putteth hys truste in hym, shall not be confounded.
28:17Ryghtuousnes will I set vp agayne in the balaunce, and iudgement in the weyghtes. The tempeste of haile shall take awaye your refuge, that ye haue to disceyue wythall, & the ouerflowynge waters shall breake doune youre stronge holdes of dyssimulacion:
28:18Thus the appoyntmente that ye haue made with deathe, shalbe done away and the condition that ye made with hell, shal not stande. When the great destruccyon goeth thorowe, it shal all to treade you. It shal take you quyte away before it.
28:19For it shal go forth earlye in the mornynge, and contynue onelye that daye & that nighte. And the very feare only shall teache you, when ye heare it.
28:20For the bedde shall be so narrowe that a man can not lye vpon it: And the coueryng to small, that a man maye not wynde hym selfe therein.
28:21For the Lorde shall steppe forthe as he dyd vpon the mounte Perazim, and shall take on as he dyd vpon the dale of Gabaon: that he maye bryng forthe his deuyce his straunge deuyce: and fulfyll hys worcke, hys wonderful worcke.
28:22And therfore make no mockes at it, that youre captiuite increase not: for I haue hearde the Lorde of Hostes saye, that there shall come a soden destruccyon & plage vpon the whole earthe.
28:23Take hede, and heare my voyce, pondre and marcke my wordes well.
28:24Goeth not the housbande man euer in due season earnestlye to hys lande: he moweth and ploweth hys grounde to sowe.
28:25And when he hath made it playne, he soweth it wyth fetches or comyn. He soweth the wheate & Barlye in theyr place, Mylyum and Rye also in theyr place.
28:26And that he maye do it ryght, hys God teacheth hym and sheweth hym.
28:27For he treadeth not the fytches oute wyth a wayne, neyther bringeth he the carte here & there ouer the comyn, but he tresseth the fitches out with a flayle, and the comyn with a rod.
28:28As for the wheate he gryndeth it to make breade thereof In as muche as he can not brynge it to passe with treadynge oute. For nether the brosyng that the carte wheles make, nor hys beastes can grynde it.
28:29This and suche lyke thynges come of the Lorde of Hostes whiche is maruelous in councell, and greate in ryghtuousnesse.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.