Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
7:1 | The Lorde God shewed me such a vysyon: beholde, there stode one that made gresshoppers, euen when the corne was shuting forth, after the kinge had clypte hys shepe. |
7:2 | Nowe when they vndertoke to eat vp all the greue thynges in the lande, I sayd: O Lorde God, be mercyfull, I beseche the: who shuld els help vp Iacob, that is brought so lowe? |
7:3 | So the Lorde was gracyons therin, and the Lorde sayde: well, it shal not be. |
7:4 | Agayne the Lorde shewed me thys vysyon: beholde, the Lorde God called the fyre to punish withal, and it deuoured the greate depe: yea it consumed a parte already. |
7:5 | Then sayd I Lord God, holde thyne hande: for who shulde els helpe vp Iacob, that is brought so lowe? |
7:6 | So the Lorde was mercyfull therein, and the Lord God sayde: well, it shall not be. |
7:7 | Moreouer, he shewed me thys vysyon: beholde, the Lorde stode vpon a plastered wall, and a masons trowel in hys lande. |
7:8 | And the Lorde sayd vnto me: Amos, what seyst thou? I aunswered: a masons trowel. Then sayde the Lorde: Beholde, I wyl laye the trowel among my people of Israel, and wyll no more ouerse them: |
7:9 | but the hye hylchapels of Isaac must be layed waste, and the churches of Israell made desolate: and as for the house of Ieroboam, I wyl stand vp agaynst with the swerd. |
7:10 | Vpon this sent Amasiah the prest to Bethell vnto Ieroboam the kynge of Israel, sayinge: Amos maketh the house of Israel to rebell agaynst the, the lande can not awaye with his wordes. |
7:11 | For Amos sayeth, Ieroboam shall dye with the swearde, and Israel shall be led awaye captyue oute of theyr owne land. |
7:12 | And Amasiah sayde vnto Amos: Get the hence (thou that caust se so well) & fle into the lande of Iuda: get the there thy lyuynge, and prophecye there: |
7:13 | and prophecye no more at Bethell, for it is the kynges chapell, and the kynges courte. |
7:14 | Amos aunswered, and sayde to Amasiah: As for me I am neyther Prophet, nor prophetes sonne: but a keper of catell. Now as I was breakinge downe molberies, and goyng after the catell, |
7:15 | the Lorde toke me, and sayde vnto me: Go thy waye, and prophecye vnto my people of Israel. |
7:16 | And therfore, heare thou now the word of the Lorde: Thou sayest: prophecye not agaynst Israell, & speake nothing agaynst the house of Isaac. |
7:17 | Wherfore thus sayeth the Lord: Thy wyfe shalbe defyled in the cytye, thy sonnes and daughters shall be slayne with the swearde, & thy lande shalbe measured out with the lyne. Thou thy selfe shalt dye in an vnclene lande, & Israel shalbe dryuen out of hys owne countre. |
Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.