Textus Receptus Bibles
The Great Bible 1539
66:1 | To the chaunter, The songe of a Psalme. O be ioyfull in God, all ye landes, synge prayses vnto the honoure of hys name, make hys prayse to be glorious. |
66:2 | Saye vnto God: O how wonderfull art thou in thy worckes? thorow the greatnes of thy power shal thyne enemies be founde lyers vnto the. |
66:3 | For all the worlde shall worship the, singe of the, & prayse thy name. Sela. |
66:4 | O come hither & behold the worckes of God, how wonderfull he is in his doynge towarde the chyldren of men. |
66:5 | He turned the see into drye land, so that they wente thorow the water on fote: there did we reioyse therof. |
66:6 | He ruleth with hys power for euer, his eyes beholde the people: and soch as will not beleue, shall not be able to exalte them selues. Sela. |
66:7 | O prayse our God (ye people) and make the voyce of hys prayse to be heard. |
66:8 | Which holdeth our soule in lyfe, & suffreth not our fete to slyp. |
66:9 | For thou (O God) hast proued vs: thou also hast tryed vs like as siluer is tryed. |
66:10 | Thou broughtest vs into the snare, and layed trouble vpon oure loynes. |
66:11 | Thou suffredest men to ryde ouer our heades, |
66:12 | we went thorow fyre & water and thou broughtest vs out into a welthye place. |
66:13 | I wyll go into thy house with brentoffrynges, and wyll paye the my vowes, |
66:14 | which I promysed with my lyppes, & spake with my mouth, when I was in trouble. |
66:15 | I will offre vnto the, fat brent sacrifyces with the incense of rammes, I wil offre bullockes and goates. Sela. |
66:16 | O come hyther and herken, all ye that feare God: & I wyll tell you, what he hath done for my soule. |
66:17 | I called vnto him wt my mouth, and gaue him prayses wt my tonge. |
66:18 | If I enclyne vnto wickednes with my hert, the Lorde wyll not heare me. |
66:19 | But God hath hearde me, and consydred the voyce of my prayer. |
66:20 | Praysed be God which hath not cast out my prayer, ner turned his mercy fro me. |
The Great Bible 1539
The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."