Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
20:1 | The morowe after the Saboth daye came Mary Magdalene early when it was yet darcke, vnto the sepulchre, and saw the stone taken awaye from that toumbe. |
20:2 | Then she ranne, and came to Simon Peter, and to the other discyple whom Iesus loued, and sayde vnto them. They haue taken away the Lorde out of the toumbe, and we cannot tell where they haue layde hym. |
20:3 | Peter went forth & that other disciple & came vnto the sepulchre. |
20:4 | They ranne both together, & that other disciple dyd out runne Peter, & came fyrste to the sepulchre. |
20:5 | And he stouped doune, and saw the lynnen clothes liyng, yet went he not in. |
20:6 | Then came Symon Peter folowyng him and wente into the sepulchre, and sawe the lynnen clothes lye, |
20:7 | and the napkyn that was aboute hys head, not liynge with the lynnen clothe, but wrapped together in a place by it selfe. |
20:8 | Then wente in also that other discyple which came fyrste to the sepulchre, and he saw & beleued. |
20:9 | For as yet they knew not the scriptures that he should ryse agayne from death. |
20:10 | And the discyples went awaye agayne vnto theyr owne home. |
20:11 | Mary stode without at the sepulchre wepynge. And as she wepte. she bowed her self, and loked into the sepulchre, |
20:12 | and sawe two angels in whyte sittynge, the one at the heade, & the other at the fete, where they had layde the bodye of Iesus. |
20:13 | And they sayd vnto her: Woman, why wyppest thou? She sayed vnto them: For they haue taken awaye my Lorde, and I wote not where they haue layed hym. |
20:14 | When she had thus sayde, she tourned her self backe, and sawe Iesus standynge, and knewe not, that it was Iesus. |
20:15 | Iesus sayde to her: woman why wepest thou? Whome sekest thou? She supposynge that he had bene the gardener, sayed vnto him: Syr yf thou haue borne him hence, tell me where thou hast layed hym, that I maye fet him. |
20:16 | Iesus sayde vnto her: Mary. She turned her selfe, and sayd vnto him: Rabbony, whiche is to saye: Mayster. |
20:17 | Iesus sayd vnto her touch me not, for I am not yet ascended to my father. But go to my brethren, & saye vnto them: I ascende vnto my father and youre father: to my God and your God. |
20:18 | Mary Magdalene came and tolde the dyscyples that she had sene the Lord, and that he had spoken suche thinges vnto her. |
20:19 | The same day at night, which was the morowe after the saboth day, when the dores wer shut, wher the disciples were assembled together for fear of the Iewes, came Iesus and stode in the myddes, and saide to them: peace be wyth you. |
20:20 | And when he had so sayed, he shewed vnto them his handes, and hys syde. Then were the dyscyples glade when they sawe the Lorde. |
20:21 | Then sayde Iesus to them agayne: peace be with you. As my father sente me euen so sende I you. |
20:22 | And when he had sayd that he brethed on them and sayde. Receyue the holy ghost. |
20:23 | Whosoeuers synnes ye remyt they are remitted vnto them. And whosoeuers synnes ye retayne, they are retayned. |
20:24 | But Thomas one of the twelue, called Didymus, was not wyth them when Iesus came, |
20:25 | The other disciples saide vnto him: we haue sene the Lorde. And he said vnto them: excepte I se in hys handes the prent of the nailes, and put my fynger into the holes of the nayles, and thruste my handes into hys syde, I wyl not beleue. |
20:26 | And after .viij. dayes agayne, hys dyscyples were wythin, and Thomas wyth them. Then came Iesus when the dores were shut, and stode in the middes and sayd: peace be wyth you. |
20:27 | After that sayde he to Thomas: brynge thy fynger hyther, and se my handes, and brynge thy hande and thrust it into my syde: and be not faithlesse, but beleuinge. |
20:28 | Thomas aunswered and said vnto hym: My Lord and my God: |
20:29 | Iesus sayd vnto hym: Thomas because thou hast sene me, therfore thou beleuest. Happye are they that haue not sene, and yet haue beleued. |
20:30 | And manie other sygnes dyd Iesus in the presence of hys dyscyples, whyche are not written in this boke. |
20:31 | These are written that ye myght beleue, that Iesus is Christe the sonne of God, and that in beleuinge ye might haue lyfe thorow hys name. |
Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.