
Interlinear Textus Receptus Bibles shown verse by verse.

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Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


9:1And as Iesus passed by, he saw a man which was blynde from hys byrthe.
9:2And his disciples axed hym: Mayster, who dyd synne: thys man or his father and mother: that he was borne blynd?
9:3Iesus aunswered: Neyther hath thys man synned nor yet hys father and mother: but that the workes of God shoulde be shewed on him.
9:4I must work the workes of hym that sente me, whyle it is daye. The nyghte cometh, when no man can worke.
9:5As longe as I am in the worlde, I am the lyght of the worlde.
9:6Assone as he had thus spoken; he spatte on the grounde, and made claye of the spetle, and rubbed the claye on the eyes of the blynd,
9:7and sayed vnto hym: Go, washe the in the pole of Syloe, whiche by interpretacyon, signifyeth sente. He went hys waye, and washed & came agayne, sayng:
9:8The neyghboures and they that had sene him before, how that he was a beggar, sayed: is not thys he that satte & begged.
9:9Some sayed: this is he. Other saied: he is like hym. But he hym selfe sayd: I am euen he.
9:10They sayed vnto hym: Howe are thyne eyes opened then?
9:11He aunswered and sayde. The man that is called Iesus, made claye, & anoynted myne eyes, and sayed vnto me: Go to the pole Siloe, and washe. And I wente and washed & receyued my syghte.
9:12They sayde vnto him: where is he? He sayde: I can not tell.
9:13Then brought they to the Pharises, hym that a litle before was blynde:
9:14for it was the Saboth day, when Iesus made the claye and opened hys eyes.
9:15Then agayne the Pharises also axed him, how he had receyued his sight. He sayed vnto them: He put claye vpon my eyes, and I washed and do se.
9:16Then sayd some of the Phariseis: thys man is not of God, because he kepeth not the Saboth daye. Other sayed: howe can a man that is a synner, do such miracles? And there was stryfe among them.
9:17Then spake they vnto the blynde agayne. What saiest thou of hym, because he hath opened thyne eyes? And he sayed: He is a Prophete.
9:18But the Iewes dyd not beleue on the felowe, howe that he was blynde and receyued hys sighte, vntyll they had called the father & mother of hym that had receyued his sighte.
9:19And they axed them, saiynge: Is thys youre sonne, whom ye say was borne blynde? How doth he now se then?
9:20His father and mother aunswered them, and sayed: We wote well that thys is oure sonne, & that he was borne blind,
9:21but by what meanes he now seeth, that can we not tell, or who hath opened hys eyes, can we not tell. He is olde ynoughe, axe him, let hym answere for hym self.
9:22Such wordes spake his father and mother, because they feared the Iewes. For the Iewes had conspyred al ready, that yf any man dyd confesse that he was Christe, he shoulde be excommunicate oute of the synagoge,
9:23therfore sayd hys father & mother: he is olde ynough, axe hym.
9:24Then agayne called they the man that was the blynde, & sayd vnto him: Geue God the prayse we knowe that this man is a synner.
9:25He aunswered and sayde: Whither he be a synner or no. I can not tell, one thyng I am sure of: that I was blynde, and now I se.
9:26Then sayd they to hym agayne: What dyd he to the? Howe opened he thyne eyes?
9:27He aunswered them: I tolde you per whyle, and ye dyd not heare. Wherfore woulde ye heare it agayne? wyl ye also be hys discyples?
9:28Then rated they him, & sayde: thou arte hys disciple: we be Moyses discyples.
9:29We are sure that God spake wyth Moyses, thys felowe we knowe not from whence he is.
9:30The man aunswered, and sayd vnto them: Thys is a merueylous thynge, that ye wote not whence he is, seyng he hath opened myne eyes.
9:31For we be sure that God heareth not synners. But yf any man be a worshypper of God, and do hys wyl, hym heareth he.
9:32Sence the worlde began: was it not hearde that any man opened the eies of one that was borne blynde.
9:33If thys man were not of God, he coulde haue done nothynge.
9:34They answered, and sayde vnto hym: thou arte all together borne in synne, and doest thou teach vs? And they cast hym oute.
9:35Iesus hearde, that they had excommunicat hym, he sayde vnto hym: doest thou beleue on the sonne of God?
9:36He aunswered, and sayde: Who is it Lord that I myght beleue on him?
9:37And Iesus sayde vnto hym: Thou haste sene hym, and he it is that talked with the.
9:38And he sayde: Lorde I beleue & worshypped hym.
9:39Iesus sayed: I am come vnto iudgement into this worlde, that they which se not myght se, and they which se, myght be made blynd.
9:40And some of the Pharises whiche were with him, hearde these wordes, and sayde vnto hym: are we then blynde?
9:41Iesus sayde vnto them: yf ye were blynde, ye shoulde haue no synne. But nowe ye saye: we se, therfor your synne remayneth.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.