Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
11:1 | And Athaliah the mother of Ohoziah, when she saw that her sonne was dead, she arose, and slew all the seede of the kingedome. |
11:2 | But Iehosaba the doughter of kynge Iehoram and syster of Ohoziah, toke Iehoas the sonne of Ohoziah, and stale hym from among the kynges sonnes that were slayne, and hys nourse with him, out of a slepyng chambre, and hyd hym from Athaliah, that he was not slayne. |
11:3 | And he was with her, hyd in the house of the Lorde .vi. yeare. And Athaliah dyd raygne ouer the lande. |
11:4 | And the seuenth yeare Iehoiada sent & fet the rulars ouer hundredes with the captaines & them of the garde, and toke them into hym into the house of the Lorde, and made a bonde with them, & toke an othe of them in the house of the Lorde, & shewed them the kynges sonne, |
11:5 | And he commaunded them, sayinge: thys is that ye must do: one thyrde parte of you shall come on the Saboth daye, and kepe the watch of the kynges house: |
11:6 | And another thyrd part shalbe at the gate Sur: and another thyrde parte shalbe at the gate behynde the gard chambre, and so shall ye kepe the watche of the house of Mesah, |
11:7 | & two porcions of you: that is, all that go oute the Saboth daye, shall kepe the watche of the house of the Lorde aboute the kynge, |
11:8 | and shal compase the kynge round aboute, euery man wyth his wepen in his hand. And whosoeuer cometh within the ranges shal dye for it. And se that ye be with the kinge as he goeth oute and in. |
11:9 | And the captaynes ouer the hundredes did all thynges as Iehoiada the prieste commaunded, and toke euery man hys men, that is, them that came in the Saboth daye wyth them that went out the Saboth day, & wente to Iehoiada the prieste. |
11:10 | And the prieste gaue to the captaynes ouer hundredes the speares & shyldes that were kynge Dauids, & had remayned in the temple. |
11:11 | And the garde stode euery man with hys wepon in hys hand rounde about the king from the ryght corner of the temple to the left alonge by the aultare & the temple. |
11:12 | And he broughte oute the sonne of the kynge, & put the croune vpon hym, & delyuered hym the wytnesse, and made hym kynge, and annoynted hym. And they clapte theyr handes and sayd: God saue the kynge. |
11:13 | And when Athaliah hearde the noyse of the runnynge of the people, she came to the people into the house of the Lorde. |
11:14 | And when she sawe the kynge stande by a pyler (as the maner was) & the syngers & the trompettes by the kynge, and all the people of the lande reioysynge, and the blowing of the trompettes, she rente her clothes, and cryed: treason, treason. |
11:15 | And Iehoiada the priest commaunded the captaynes of the hundredes that had the rule of the hoste, and sayde to them: haue her oute wtoute the ranges, and yf anye folowe her, let hym dye with the swerde: for the prieste sayd: she maye not be slayne in the house of the Lord. |
11:16 | And they layde handes on her, & she went the waye that the horses of the kynges went oute & was slayne there. |
11:17 | And Iehoiada made a bonde both betwene the Lorde and the kynge, & betwene the people and the Lorde, that they shulde be the Lordes people: & also betwene the kynge and the people. |
11:18 | Then all the people of the land wente into the house of Baal, and destroyed hys aultares, and brake doune hys Images lustely, & slue Nathan the prieste of Baal before the aultare And the prieste set watche men in the house of the Lorde, |
11:19 | & toke the rulars ouer hundredes and the captaynes, and the garde and all the people of the lande: And they brought the kinge from the house of the Lord, and went the way of the gate of the garde of the kynges house. And he sat hym doune on the seate of the kynges. |
11:20 | And all the people of the Lorde reioysed, and the cytye was in quyete. And they slue Athaliah with the swerde in the house of the kynge. |
11:21 | Iehoas was seven yeare olde when he was made kyng. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.