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Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


18:1The thyrde yeare of Hosea sonne of Ela, kynge of Israell raigned Hezekiah sonne of Ahaz kyng of Iuda.
18:2Twentye and fyue yeare olde was he, when he beganne to raygne, & raygned .xxix. yeare in Ierusalem. Hys mothers name was Abi the doughter of Zachariah,
18:3& he dyd that pleased the Lorde in all thynge, lyke to Dauid hys father.
18:4He put awaye the hyllaultares & brake the Images, & cut doune the groues, & all to brake the brasen serpente that Moses made. For vnto those dayes the chyldren of Israell dyd burne sacryfyce to it, and called it Nehustan.
18:5He trusted in the Lorde God of Israel, so that after hym came none lyke hym amonge al the kynges of Iuda, neyther amonge them that went before hym.
18:6He claue to the Lorde, & departed not from hym, but kept hys commaundementes whiche the Lorde commaunded Moses.
18:7And the Lorde was wyth hym. And whatsoeuer he toke in hande, he dyd it wysely. And he rebelled agaynste the kynge of Assyrya, & serued hym not.
18:8He bet the Philistines euen vnto Azah and the coastes thereof, bothe in castels of garysons and stronge cytyes to.
18:9And the fourthe yeare of kynge Hezekiah, whiche was the seuenthe yeare of Hosea sonne of Ela kynge of Israel, came Salmanasar kynge of Assyrya vpon Samaria, & beseged it.
18:10And they toke it at the ende of thre yeare, which was the sixte of Hezekiah: that is to say the nynthe yeare of Hosea kynge of Israell, was Samaria wonne.
18:11And the kynge of Assyrya dyd carye awaye Israel vnto Assyrya, & put them in Halah & in Habor on the ryuer of Gozan, & in the cytyes of Medes:
18:12because they wolde not herken vnto the voyce of the Lorde theyr God. But transgressed hys appoyntemente, and all that Moses the seruaunt of the Lord commaunded, and wolde neyther heare nor do.
18:13The .xiiij. yeare of Kynge Hezekiah came Sennaherib kynge of Assyrya agaynste all the stronge cytyes of Iuda, and toke them.
18:14Whervpon Hezekiah kyng of Iuda sent to the kyng of Assyria to Lachis saying: I haue offended. But depart from me, and what thou putteste on me that wyll I beare. And the kynge of Assyria appoynted vnto Hezekiah kynge of Iuda thre hundred talentes of syluer, and thyrtye talentes of golde.
18:15And Hezekiah gaue hym all the syluer that was founde in the house of the Lorde, and also in the treasure of the kynges house.
18:16And the sayde ceason Hezekiah rente of the dores of the temple of the Lorde and the pyllers whiche the sayde Hezekiah kynge of Iuda couered ouer, & gaue them to the kynge of Assyrya.
18:17And the kinge of Assyrya sent Tarthan & Rabsaris & Rabsakeh from Lachis to kynge Hezekiah with a greate Host to Ierusalem. And they went vp & came to Ierusalem, & wente & stode by the conduyte of the vppermoste pole which is in the waye to the fullers felde,
18:18and called to the kynge. And there came out to them Eliakim the sonne of Belkiah stuard of housholde & Sobnah the scrybe, & Ioah the sonne of Asaph, the recorder.
18:19And then Rabsakeh sayde to them. Tell ye Hezekiah I praye you: thus sayth the greate kynge the kyng of Assyria. What confidence is this that thou haste?
18:20thou wylt haplye speake a lyghte worde, that thou hast councell & powre to make warre. On whome then doest thou truste, that thou rebellest agaynst me?
18:21doeste thou truste to the staffe of this broken rede Egypte, on which yf a man lene, it wyll runne into hys hande & perce it. For euen so is Pharao kynge of Egypt vnto all that truste on hym.
18:22If ye saye vnto me we trust in the Lorde oure God. Is not that he whose hyllaulters and other aulters to, Hezekiah hath put doune, & hath sayde to Iuda and Ierusalem, bow youre selues before thys aulter here in Ierusalem.
18:23And now ioyne thy self to my Lord the king of Assyrya, & I wyll delyuer the two thousande horses, yf thou be able to set ryders vpon them:
18:24(and yf thou be not) how then arte thou able to resist one of the leste Dukes of my maisters seruauntes? or trustest thou to Egypte for charettes and horsmen?
18:25Moreouer thinkest thou, that I am come wythoute the byddynge of the Lorde to this place to destroye it? naye: the lord sayde to me, go vp to this lande & destroye it.
18:26Then sayd Eliakim the sonne of Helkiah and Sobnah & Ioah, to Rabsakeh: speake we pray the to thy seruaunts in the Syryans language for we vnderstande it: & talke not wyth vs in the Iewes tonge, in the eares of the people that are on the walles.
18:27And Rabsakeh sayde vnto them: hath my mayster sente me onely to thy mayster and to the, to speake these wordes, or rather to the men that kepe the walles, that they shall eate theyr owne dyrte and dryncke their owne pysse with you.
18:28And so Rabsakeh stode and cryed wyth a loude voyce in the Iewes language, and spake sayinge: heare the sayinge of the great kynge the kyng of Assyrya.
18:29Thus sayth the king: let not Hezekiah begyle you, for he is not able to delyuer you out of myne hand:
18:30neyther let Hezekiah make you truste to the Lorde sayinge: the Lorde shall surely ryd vs, and thys cytye shall not be deliuered into the handes of the kyng of Assyrya.
18:31Herken not vnto Hezekiah, for thus sayth the kynge of Assyrya. Deale kyndely with me, & come out to me. And then eate euery man of hys owne vyne, & of hys owne fygge tree, & drincke euery man of the water of hys owne welle,
18:32tyll I come, and fet you to as good a lande as youres is: a lande of corne and wyne, a lande of breade & vyneyardes, a lande of olyue trees, of oyle & of hony. And ye shal lyue and not dye. And herken not vnto Hezekiah for he wyll begyle you, sayinge: the Lorde shall delyuer vs.
18:33For haue the Gods of the nacyons delyuered any God hys lande, out of the hande of the kyng of Assiria?
18:34where are the Gods of Hemath & of Arphad? where are the Gods of Sepharuaim, of Ana, and Aphah? dyd they delyuer Samaria out of myne handes?
18:35what God of any land hath deliuered his lande out of mine hand, that the lorde shoulde delyuer Ierusalem out of myne hande.
18:36But the people helde their peace and answered not hym a worde: for the kynge had commaunded sayinge: answere him not.
18:37Then Eliakim the stuard of the houshold and Sobnah the scrybe, and Ioah the sonne of Asaph the recorder, came to Hezekiah with their clothes rent, and tolde hym the wordes of Rabsakeh.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.