
Interlinear Textus Receptus Bibles shown verse by verse.

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Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


7:1Then Heliseus sayde: heare the worde of the Lorde, for thus sayth the Lorde: to morowe this tyme a boushell of fyne floure shalbe solde for a sycle, & two boushelles of Barley for another in the gates of Samaria.
7:2Then a great Lorde on whose hande the kyng leaned, aunswered the man of God and sayde, though the Lorde woulde make wyndowes in heauen, yet wolde not thys be. And he sayde agayne: Behold, thou shalt se it with thyne eyes and shalte not eate thereof.
7:3And there were foure lepers set withoute the Gate of Samaria. And they sayde eche to hys companyon, what syt we here vntyll we dye?
7:4though we thoughte that we myghte come into the cytye, yet is the darth so greate in the cytye, that we shall there dye. And yf we tarye here, we are but dead also Now therfor come and let vs flee to the hoste of the Siryans: If they save oure lyues, we shall lyue: And yf they kyll vs, then are we dead.
7:5And so they arose in the darcke to go to the hoste of the Syryans. And when they were come to the syde of the hoste of Syrya: se, there was no man there.
7:6For the Lord had made the hoste of the Syryans heare a noyse of charettes & a noyse of horsses, and the noyse of a great hoste. In so muche that they sayde one to another: se, the kynge of Israell hath hyred agaynste vs, the kynges of the Hethites & the kynges of Egypte, to come vpon vs.
7:7And vpon that they arose, and fled in the darcke, & left theyr tentes, theyr horsses, theyr asses and the feld they had pytched euen as it was, and fled for theyr lyues.
7:8And when these lepers came to the edge of the hoste, they wente into a tente, and dyd eate and dryncke, and caryed thence syluer, goulde and raymente, and wente and hydde it, and came agayne, and entred into another, & caryed thence also, and wente, and hyde it.
7:9Then they sayde one to another: it is not wel that we do, for thys day is a day to bring tydynges And yf we holde oure peace, & tary tyll it be day lyght, we shal find a myscheue. Now therfore come, let vs go and tell the kinges housholde.
7:10And so they went and called to the porter of the cytye and tolde them sayinge: we came to the pauylyons of the Syrians and se, there was no man there, neyther voyce of man, but horsses and asses tyed, & the tentes euen as they were.
7:11Then the porters called & tolde the kynges house wythin.
7:12And the kynge arose in the night and sayde to hys seruauntes: I wyll shewe you, howe the Syryans haue serued vs. They knowe that we are oppressed wyth hungre & therfore are gone oute of theyr pauylyons to hyde them selues in the felde, sayinge: They wyll come out of the cytye, and then we shall catche them alyue and get into the cytye.
7:13And one of hys seruauntes aunswered, and sayde: Let men take fyue of the horsses that remayne and are lefte in the cytye. Beholde they are as good, as all the multitude that are lefte in the cytye: and as good as all the multytude of the cytye that are consumed, and let vs sende and se.
7:14And they toke two charettes of horses, and the kynge sente after the hoste of the Syryans saying: go and se.
7:15And they folowed after them euen vnto Iordan: and se, all the way was ful of clothes and vesselles which the Syryans had cast from them for haste. And the messengers returned and tolde the kynge.
7:16And then the people wente oute & robbed the tentes of the Syryans. And so a busshel of floure was solde for a sycle, and .ij. busshelles of barley for a sycle, accordynge to the worde of the Lorde.
7:17And the kynge set the Lorde on whose hande he leaned, to kepe the gate. And the people troade hym in the gate, that he dyed, accordynge to the sayinge of the man of God whiche he sayde, when the kyng came doune to him.
7:18And it came to passe accordyng to the word of the man of God to the king sayinge: two bushelles of barleye for a sycle & a bushell of barleye for another shalbe to morowe this time in the gates of Samaria.
7:19And the Lorde aunswered the man of God & sayd: though the Lorde made wyndowes in heauen, yet wolde thys not be. And the other sayde: Beholde, thou shalt se it with thyne eyes, and shalt not eate thereof.
7:20And so it chaunged: for the people troade hym vnder fete in the gate, that he dyed.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.